On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 18:07:23 -0800
Nano Nano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Dr Gavin Seddon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> >
> > > Can anyone suggest a good game that isn't just mindlessly shooting
> > > stuff.  Say a good adventure with nice graphics that requires some
> > > thought?
> > 
> Didn't read this thread at first.  Don't knock mindless shooting
> games.  I get enough hard thinking done programming -- I hate games
> that make me work as hard as I do when I'm working.  Which is why I
> like FPS games like Quake.
> Left, right, up, down, and shoot.  Play for 15 minutes, be done
> playing. Start over.  Very theraputic.

Yeah, I've got to agree. Mindless though they are, FPS games are nicely
self-contained. You can play a Deathmatch round in 15-20 minutes and get
a nice sense of closure. Adventures and RPG's are the stuff I leave for
the weekend when I can play for a couple of hours. I don't mind the
thought in adventure-type games, it's just that they don't lend
themselves well to break-time.

Todd Pytel

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