On 19.01.2024 13:46, Gift Rain wrote:
Good day,
I'm running Debian 11 and getting error "Failed to start MariaDB
10.5.12 database server.
Your MySQL database server doesn't start for some reason. Is there
anything helpful in the output?
$ sudo journalctl --no-pager -x --unit mariadb.service
You can use Debian "pastebin" site [1] to send the output if it is long.
What happened before failure? Was it system crash? System upgrade
attempt? Anything else?
My emails are not working. Another error on my logs is :
<http://sender_bcc_maps_user.cf> lookup error for"
Postfix uses mysql database to lookup necessary information and since it
is not running so does postfix.
[1] https://paste.debian.net/
With kindest regards, Alexander.
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