On 1/16/24, to...@tuxteam.de <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 09:41:15PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
>> On 1/15/24 20:05, David Wright wrote:
>> > And I've never created any mount point under /mnt. For a one time
>> > copy, /mnt is handy; always there, I don't have to mkdir at all.
>> What about when you need multiple temporary mount points?
> I have /mnt1, /mnt2.
>> What about when you have an portable backup drive that you connect once a
>> week?  And the drive is encrypted?  And your backup system wants to know
>> where?
> Ah, for specific mounts I have specific points. Encrypted backup goes
> to /media/backup (yes, I "inherited" that from somewhere) and the decrypted
> device gets named backup (thus /dev/mapper/backup).

I zipped on past this talking point yesterday, but since you all gave
it its own thread, grin. I have multiple fstab entries for /mnt, too:
/home, /var/cache/apt/archives, browsers, and just data backup in
general. I do so because those have their own partitions.

The first two, /home and /var/cache/apt/archives, are a two-part mount
in fstab where /mnt/MOUNTPOINT mounts a partition first then a second
mount point points at a usually release-specific child directory as a
"mount -B" kind of thing.

Because of serious PTSD-related cognitive issues where I forget
experiences 10 seconds after they happen, those mount points are all
capitalized so I don't bleep up those /mnt directories by using them
for anything else (e.g. /mnt/HOME, /mnt/APT, etc).

Using /mnt via fstab has been working flawlessly *for me* for probably
3 or 4 years now, so much so that I guess I take its time saving
beauty for granted.

Exiting now while thinking out loud: Proofreading this email before
sending invoked a thought of how installers ask if we have directories
like /var on separate partitions. What are the installers' method of
operations for those instances?

Or do they just presume that the only thing on e.g. /var's dedicated
partition is /var and nothing else (where my personal M/O is to be
filtering through a bunch of [junk] to hit my target child
directories)? My uneducated guess is installers likely a-sume
dedicated partitions. That makes good, much less messy common

Another proofreading triggered afterthought: I have /mnt/BROWSER, too,
which then secondarily "mount -B" binds to specific browsers' child
directories. I've been having some VERY ODD USB/bus/dbus simultaneous
crashes the last few days (on two different laptops now so it feels
software or outside interference'y).

Having Firefox on its own partition has amazingly been keeping that
part of the USB crashes sane because the mount point partition for
that is deliberately on the same hard drive as the primary Debian
installation. That way, when e.g. an external hard drive crashes, the
browsers remain attached and thus don't lose any irreplaceable recent
browsing history. Thank you for that capability, Developers!

PPS What's mind blowing *to me* about those USB-triggered crashes the
last few days is that /home is part of what crashes, yet that browser
mount bind keeps right on flawlessly ticking until it eventually does
not. I'm most often then able to ALT+CTRL+F3 and make a fast browser
history backup via a root login before rebooting to reconnect
everything again. No complaints, just very grateful it even works long
enough to perp those sanity preserving backups....

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with good intentions *

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