phoebus phoebus <> wrote:
> Hello,
> >> > Currently, PuTTY is an option but its current version has
> >> > limitations that make it insufficient for our operational use.  
> >>
> >>
> >> Commission the PuTTY authors to add the missing features or pay
> >> someone else to do it if they aren't interested.
> >>
> >>  
> I have already tried to contact the PuTTY development team using the
> email address; however, I did not receive
> a response. Originally, my request in that email was to explore the
> possibility of commissioning the PuTTY authors or paying someone else
> to add these features in case the development team was not interested.
> My goal in funding this project would be to have the code integrated
> into the main PuTTY branch and become an integral part of official
> releases, thus avoiding obsolescence. However, outside of the PuTTY
> team, I am not certain of the best way to proceed to achieve this
> goal. Therefore, I wonder if the address
> is the correct one to contact the project, and if anyone could
> suggest a more appropriate contact address or any other suggestions
> to advance this improvement proposal.

Looking at
suggests that you should try to design whatever features you require
yourself in the first instance, and then submit it for consideration
by the maintainers. And be prepared to implement it if required before
submission to the project. I don't mean that you personally should do
this, but rather that you should hire someone suitably qualified to do
it. Specifically someone who is not part of the team, unless they
volunteer. It sounds like their problem is lack of available effort.

> Regards,
> Thierry

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