I installed debian, 12.4.0 on 2 laptops.
One of them, a 2023 ASUS Zenbook 15" 7735U, I cannot change the keyboard
mapping on. Changing it on the other works like a charm. I initially set
them up as dvorak, for my own ease, and now I want it to be qwerty. I have
temporarily worked around the problem by using setxkbmap.
I followed the guide here: https://wiki.debian.org/Keyboard , using as

# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
# service keyboard-setup restart
# udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change

In the config files, I can see the correct values in

Having worked with Gentoo Linux at one point in time, I read their guide.
Based on that info, I checked /etc/vconsole.conf and adjusted it from
dvorak to qwerty without effect.

I also tried (un)setting dvoark and qwerty layouts including doing
multiple reboots without effect. I also tried installing the console-data
package which was recommended elsewhere and set qwerty layout without

I'm flat out of ideas as to why the keyboard layout will not change.

Anyone know how to change the keyboard layout on Debian?


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