On 1/5/24 21:10, Charles Curley wrote:
On Fri, 5 Jan 2024 17:25:48 -0800
David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

I would be curious to know if a secure erase forces the pending
sector issue and, if so, what the result is.

An interesting thought. Alas, I am far enough along on re-installing
that I do not want to try it. Sorry.

I suggest taking an image (backup) with dd(1), Clonezilla, etc., when you're done. This will allow you to restore the image later -- to roll-back a change you do not like, to recovery from a disaster, to clone the image to another device, to facilitate experiments, (such as doing a secure erase to see if it resolves the SSD pending sector issue), etc..

If you also keep your system configuration files in a version control system, restoring an image is faster than wipe/ fresh install/ configure/ restore data.


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