So, since for whatever reason Grub seems to be broken beyond repair, I today tried to just replace it with rEFInd. Installation succeeded without any trouble. But when I start my system, rEFInd just asks me if I want to boot with fwupd or with the still very broken Grub. Am I missing something? Is rEFInd really just something to select between different OSs (and not just different distributions like Grub can very well do) and then gives the rest over to their bootloaders or am I missing something so rEFInd will take over all of Grubs jobs?

On 01.01.24 21:45, Richard Rosner wrote:

On 01.01.24 21:20, Richard Rosner wrote:

On 01.01.24 20:30, David Wright wrote:
On Mon 01 Jan 2024 at 19:04:20 (+0100), Richard Rosner wrote:
On 01.01.24 18:13, David Wright wrote:
I can boot by hand, but since this is all archived anyways and it's
uneccessarily difficult to find some sort of guide how to even do
this, it might as well be a documentation for users having such
troubles in the future.

Also, besides the way that I have no clue how it would have to look
like to set up a paragraph in the grub.cfg, I simply don't see
anything wrong with it anyways. So I can't even look at the grub
settings files grub.cfg is being generated from to check where the
error lies.
You append the commands that you used to boot manually with into
/etc/grub.d/40_custom, observing the comments there, and also into
grub.cfg itself at the appropriate place (near the bottom). The
former is so that Grub includes it in any new grub.cfg that you
Good to know.
Edit:, never mind. Tried that, it still booted straight to the UEFI BIOS menu after entering my password. At this point, I'm seriously considering slapping rEFInd on it and pray that it picks up on everything automatically and fix the situation. But so should Grub have, besides the fact that I can't even be entirely sure Grub is to blame and not something else.

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