Am Samstag, 30. Dezember 2023, 18:06:43 CET schrieb debian-
> Hans <> wrote:
One is a Brother DCP-125j (connected via USB-cable), the other a Brother MFC-
L3750CDW (coonnected via LAN to thze router). 

The Notebook is connected via WIFI to the router. 

Both printers do NOT have WIFI.

> You'll probably get more help if you're more explicit about the
> configuration. You seem to be exceptionally coy!

> What version of debian?

> What specific printer models?

See above.

> Which printer is connected by USB? And which by LAN?
See above.

> > For installation I am using CUPS and XSANE.
> > 
> > Now to the issues:
> > 
> > 1st question:
> > Although there are no printers configured in CUPS, LibreOffice does
> > see and can use the printers. My idea is, that Libreoffice is using
> > its owb printer drivers, can that be, does someone know more?
> > 
> > 2nd question:
> > When installed with CUPS, there appear TWO pronters, one (for
> > example) is called "DCP-125J" and the other one "DCP-125J_debian".
> > However, only one of the entries is working (the one without
> > "_debian". Where does it get its name?
> I'm guessing that the name you give is a typo? And it's actually
> DCP-J125 since that is the name of a Brother printer. And the obvious
> answer as to where it gets its name is from the printer driver for that
> printer.

Dunno. The names appear twice, at each of one of them one name end with the 
string "_debian" 

The other question someone asked:

The packages I mentioned I installed, were of course CUPS packages from the 
debian repo, as well as the needed packages supplied by Brother (which for 
example include the *:pp files).

Hope this make things clearer.



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