On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 10:12:36AM -0500, Pocket wrote:
> On 12/21/23 09:46, Brad Rogers wrote:
> > On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:25:26 -0500
> > Pocket <poc...@columbus.rr.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hello Pocket,
> > 
> > > -------- Forwarded Message --------
> > Putting a private message on the list, without sender's consent, is very
> > rude indeed.  Given that it was announced by sender beforehand that they
> > would reply privately, I'm absolutely certain they did not agree to the
> > message being forwarded here.
> > 
> > May you live in interesting times. (ancient insult)
> Then don't hit and hide.
> -- 
> Hindi madali ang maging ako

Posted to the list - purely so that this is recorded in the list archives
which Pocket can view at https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/12/thrd3.html
As a member of the Debian Community Team, I'm also copying this to community@d.o

I'm not a moderator of this list: the list is unmoderated. I am a Debian
Community Team member. The Community Team is here to resolve disputes and
to make Debian a welcoming place. In that context, the tone of your recent
posts here is unhelpful and your messaging has been non-constructive

I would refer you to the FAQ for this list which I maintain.

Replies to you which are specifically marked as replies off-list are 
private. Don't repost private information. The normal expectation is
that the list is public and communication to the list is public.
If someone specifically replies to you in private, it would be for an
exceptional reason and should not be reposted back to the list.

If you're posting on the lists, your post is subject to the Debian codes
of conduct - please abide by them.

You are welcome in Debian - and contributions are appreciated - but a level
of basic understanding and courtesy is expected of all here.  

Andrew Cater
[For the Debian Community Team]

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