On 05/12/2023 01:41, Greg Wooledge wrote:
unicorn:~$ LC_TIME=en_US.utf8 printf '%(%c)T\n'
Mon 04 Dec 2023 01:34:42 PM EST

Sadly, you're restricted to the choices offered by your installed locales.
If you can't find an installed locale which has an acceptable LC_TIME
format, then you can try to roll your own.  I went down that road once.
It didn't really work out for me.  Too many finicky details that simply
don't work out in reality.

I think, absence of really flexible time formats may be intentional. At first I was surprised that Intl.DateTimeFormat in JavaScript does not have a method similar to strftime.
Perhaps I have noticed rationale reading docs related to the Temporal proposal. Time formats vary greatly across the world. So if a developer fix particular format using % specifiers then the format may be rather strange for users from other countries. It is safer to specify locale and some hints like long/short. In addition, Gregorian calendar is not the only option.

Formats of dates and time are a part of Common Locale Data Repository

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