Subject: Could not find interfaces configuration file /etc/network/interfaces 
in Debian Linux 11 (bullseye)

Good day from Singapore,

Background Information

Initially our client has a UniFi Dream Machine Pro (UDM Pro) acting as a 
firewall and router. Port 9 (WAN1) on the UDM Pro was connected to the ONT. 
Port 1 on the UDM Pro was connected to the LAN switch.

Then our client purchased Fortigate 80F firewall from us.

The date of the deployment of the Fortigate 80F firewall is 26 May 2023.

During the setup and installation, I had connected WAN1 on the Fortigate 80F 
firewall to the ONT. Then I need to convert UDM Pro to non-routing mode. RJ45 
cable to Port 9 (WAN1) on the UDM Pro was removed. I proceeded to connect Port 
1 on the UDM Pro to Port 1 on the Fortigate 80F firewall. As the Fortigate 80F 
firewall already had DHCP server configured, I disabled the DHCP server inside 
UDM Pro.

Everything (the network infrastructure) was working well for 6 months 11 days 
until 6 Dec 2023.


On 6 Dec 2023, our client discovered that their UDM Pro could not perform 
firmware updates automatically. Their UDM Pro was running UniFi OS version 
3.0.20. Client wants to upgrade firmware to latest version 3.1.16 but couldn't.

UDM Pro runs Debian 11 (bullseye)

When I putty (SSH) into the UDM Pro machine, I executed the command "cat 

The output is:

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

The output of the "uname -a" command is:

Linux United-States-Space-Command-Secret-Server 4.19.152-ui-alpine #4.19.152 
SMP Thu Apr 6 21:41:48 CST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux


Troubleshooting date is 6 Dec 2023 Wednesday.

When I run "netstat -nr" or "route" commands in UDM Pro, the output shows that 
the default gateway for the destination is is the IP address of the Fortigate 80F firewall. This confirms that 
the gateway was correctly configured on the UDM Pro. The LAN IP address of the 
UDM Pro is

The UDM Pro could reach the gateway, in this case the Fortigate 80F 

I could ping the gateway from within the UDM Pro CLI.

However, I could not ping or

Even with the gateway correctly configured on the UDM Pro, it could not reach 
the outside world.

When I run the command "ifconfig br0", the broadcast shows up as I 
thought this is wrong. So I ran the following Linux command to correct it.

# ifconfig br0 broadcast

But it did not solve the problem.

My colleague Henry Kissinger told me that Port 9 (WAN1) on the UDM Pro must be 
connected (seems like a design flaw). I had wanted to configure the network 
interfaces using the /etc/network/interfaces file. But I could not find it 
anywhere in the terminal in Debian 11. Where can I find this file in Debian 11? 
It is missing!

I had no choice but to use the web UI of the UDM Pro to configure Port 9 
(WAN1). I had asked the client to connect Port 9 (WAN1) on the UDM Pro to Port 
5 (LAN) on the Fortigate firewall. Then I configure Port 9 (WAN1) on the UDM 
Pro with the following network parameters:

Static IPv4 address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:

After configuring Port 9 (WAN1) on the UDM Pro, I could ping from 
inside the UDM Pro already. However, I still could not ping 
That means DNS name resolution has failed. I had to edit /etc/resolv.conf.

# vi /etc/resolv.conf

Now I could ping from inside the UDM Pro. Name resolution is 
working after I have modified the /etc/resolv.conf file by hand.

My client Edward Joseph Snowden then initiated the firmware upgrade using the 
web UI. After the firmware upgrade, the UDM Pro rebooted. Yes, it did reboot. I 
can confirm. The LCD screen on the UDM Pro shows that the firmware has been 
successfully upgraded to version 3.1.16. We have the screenshots to show it.

Everything is working. All the UniFi wireless access points are working. All 
the laptops and mobile phones have internet access. But another problem cropped 
up. Now we could not access the web UI of the UDM Pro. of the UDM Pro (LAN IP address) is now not accessible. of the UDM Pro (Port 9 (WAN1)) is also not accessible.

We could not putty (ssh) into the UDM Pro too.

May I know what the problem could be? I think there's no choice now but to 
factory reset the UDM Pro and restore configuration from the most recent 
backup. Our client says their most recent backup was on 16 Sep 2023.

Please advise.

Thank you very much.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore
GIMP also stands for Government-Induced Medical Problems.
7 Dec 2023 Thursday 11.51 PM Singapore Time

PS. Fictitious names have been used in this post. 

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