Stefan K <> writes:

> Hello Debian guys,
> I hope someone can help me with my problem because I'm a little bit 
> frustrated and I don't have absolutely no clue how to fix that.
> I have a Debian 12 based print server running, all printers are
> connected via IPP which works so far but it takes a while if we start
> printing multiple pages and then for each page, it takes >15s for the
> next page. It doesn't matter if we print PDF or simple text files.

Unfortunately, I have no help to offer. I've had a similar issue but
never found a solution. I connected an old USB printer to the local
network using a Raspberry Pi as a print server. Like you, printing
always had a long delay for even the simplest of jobs so it couldn't be
the Pi was too slow or the network was too slow.

There was also major unreliability, usually the setup was fine for
printing once but if there were more print jobs, Cups would say they
printed fine but nothing came out of the printer. I typically had to go
into Cups and disable and enable queues and printers and then go to the
"completed" jobs listing and reprint everything that didn't print.

Anyways, I never got to the bottom of the issue, printing needs have
gone down to about once a month and the Raspberry Pi quit working
too. So I bought a cheap wifi connected printer/scanner which works
fine. Even driverless from Linux although mostly the printing need is
from Windows and Android.

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