Am Sonntag, 12. November 2023, 19:43:13 CET schrieben Sie:
Hi folks,

although I already marked my problem as solved, I just want  to tell, that I 
found the best solution for me.

Thanks to Andi's hint I am now using /dev/disk/by-id/my_serial for the usb 

As I am using always the same usb-stick for this purpose, the disk-id will be 
not changing, of course and can such be used within my little script.

Someone told, it is not a good idea, to use partitions within an ISO-file. 
However, this is not changeable in my case.

What I am especially doing, is converting a fully installed kali system into a 
livesystem (I know, kali is available as live syswtem, but mine has lots of 
chnages. For exampl,e it is in German, has more installed packages, packages 
added fron third parties, installed GVM-Plugins, my own configurations and many 
things more.) My Kali is about 40GB big, and so it would not fit on DVD. The 
compressed image is about 20GB and fits on a 32 GB stick.

Doing so, I habe my fully installed kali available in my pocket. Very happy 
with this! 

Beside notes: On my server, all partitions are encrypted, but on the usb-stick 
after installing thisis no more. Yes, I know, this would be possible on the 
stick, too, but not necassary as there are no original credentials on it.

Thanks to your help, I now can easily create an upgraded system nightly.

Everything is exactly as I imagined.

And: most important(!) I learned a lot.

So, thank you all for your feedback.

Best regards



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