Two messages from debian-user-howorth-org-uk<>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 11:10:22 +0000
Message-id: <[🔎] 20231111111022.58bb3...@acer-suse.lan>

On Sat, 11 Nov 2023 at 17:09, Susmita/Rajib <> wrote:
> Marco <> wrote:
> > Am 11.11.2023 06:58 schrieb Susmita/Rajib:
> >
[     ...     ]
> > > Active Links => 0
> >
> > Can you now try to create your own php script that makes use of that
> > to test it?
> >
> No, no, no. He shouldn't be installing PHP on his machine! It's a
> security nightmare he's opening himself up to and it won't solve his
> problem anyway!

Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 11:08:36 +0000
Message-id: <[🔎] 20231111110836.3ffa4...@acer-suse.lan>

> "Susmita/Rajib" <> wrote:
> > Dear illustrious leaders and the senior members, Debian-user ML,
> >
> > I liked the following two papers of Prof. Shri C K Raju:
> > ajol-file-journals_601_articles_221195_submission_proof_221195-7072-545591-1-10-20220325.pdf
> >
> > ajol-file-journals_601_articles_222634_submission_proof_222634-7072-544552-1-10-20220309.pdf
> >

[     ...     ]

> > I followed both the first solution and the approved solution.
> Hmm, you seem to be chasing fairies. PHP is a server-side technology,
> so I don't think the error message is telling you that you have
> something wrong. It's telling you that has something
> wrong. It's not very helpful but if you want to look at the blog, you
> need to contact him and ask him to fix his website.

Thank you Mr. debian-user for replying to my thread.

Fortunately, I have heard from Prof. Raju himself and the gist of that
conversation is contained in the post:

It would be nice of you to go through this above pos and suggest an
improvement in my post to Prof. Raju.

I apologise that you was writing and editing my email when you posted,
and I didn't update the archive page to know that you have posted.

Now, I will have to uninstall the components that I installed trying
to solve the issue that couldn't be solved in the way attempted.

Please feel free to post your suggestions.

There isn't unfortunately a roll-back feature for debian a feature
known to me with which I could take a snapshot of the system before
installing new packages, so that if anything went wrong, I could
uninstall the packages installed to get back to the previous snapshot.

Best wishes,

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