On 11/8/23 00:34, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 07:19:40PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:


What do I do if a gpt partition table has already been made and an ext4
system is already installed? IOW just how "bare" a disk is needed? Is
writing a null gpt sufficient?

Hm. I may have missed something, but I've got the impression we are a
second round through this: you just slap the LVM infrastructure over
current data, it will overwrite what it needs to and mark the rest as
free space. It just replaces what was before on disk.

Sounds good.
However I may go a different route. I have a not installed 2T WD-Black SN770 NVMe SSD, format 2280. This Asus prime z370-A II modo has two M2 sockets which the docs say both can use a 2280, but they operate differently w/o really explaining the difference. The one in the middle of the board, the A socket 2_2 looks like I have to pull the CPU and its radiator to be able to really get to it, and actually only shows how to install in the lower 2_1 socket which also has a heat sinking cover that must be removed & reinstalled. Is this then the preferred location, or is there an advantage to the other socket nearer the CPU?.

It /might/ warn you that you're about overwriting potentially valuable
data, I don't remember.

But before I do yet another reinstall, 24th or so. two of the sata 2t's are installed, and I'm tempted to rsych the raid to one of them to see if reassigning /home to a copy of /home does away with this horrible lag I'm wanting to blame on the raid10.

Unless, of course, the data is sensitive: in that case you want to zero
(or better: random) it.


Thank you.

They are empty except for the ext4 install and if pvcreate just slams the new format regardless, I'll rsync the 2T /home back to the raid10, and unplug that controller before I put the install dvd in. I also have another sata controller, this one with all 16 ports installed.

And I just looked at tht pair, and acc gparted they have both been pvcreated, so I'll leave then alone and steal the dvd cable, puttin a new 2T drive if I can rig power to it. This mobo also claims to be able to do the intel version of a raid on its own sata ports. Does anyone here have experience doing that?

Thanks Tomas
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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