On 11/5/23 05:28, David Christensen wrote:
On 11/5/23 01:47, gene heskett wrote:
On 11/5/23 01:46, David Christensen wrote:
I am worried that you are going to make a mistake and suffer a data disaster (partial or total).  That is why I suggested that you give the Asus a rest and build a backup server now.

I'm also into 3d printers, and that has made me fam with the arm64 sbc cards such as the bananapi-m5 which has 4 ub3 ports on a 2GHz 4 core cpu. Startech makes a usb3 to sata adapter that can do 500M/sec to an SSD. I am doing it on an rpi4b.  So I am tempted to build my own NAS by using all 4 of those ports to hook 4 of these 2T gigastones up as a 4G raid10. Run it headless by an ssh login, setup amanda server on it, setup amanda-client on the rest, setup amanda to do any compression on the clients which are fast enough to do it and let the pi handle the actual storage, including its database which makes a recovery a matter to telling it which file and how old. I normally setup for 60 to 90 days of retention. It won't be fast but it will be isolated from anything that fails on the rest of my net,

Wow!  I got Gene to consider my suggestion!  :-)


After I wrote that in the not so wee hour of the morning, I went to one of my bpi's and verified that amanda is in the ubuntu jammy arm64 repo's. I'll have to get a few more of those drives and build a box. Or perhaps hide the bpi in a used drive cage. But it looks doable to me.

Why? Just because I can. I'm the same guy whose running a 1500 lb, 80+ yo Sheldon lathe, using LinuxCNC with an rpi3b, now an rpi4b, for 7 or so years. I wanted to see if it could be done and it works so well I've had no urge to redo it with more conventional wintel hardware like my other 3 machines. LinuxCNC has taught that lathe many new dance steps it could not do when it left Chicago in the late 1940's and corrected for 13 thou of bed wear in front of the chuck. Cuts threads, imperial or metric, even tapered threads I have invented, Anything that 2 small motors moving the tool in micron or better synchronized in both directions can do, it Just Does.

All I have to do is muster up the giddyup to do it. a 89 yo, that is most assuredly getting harder.

Take care & stay well everybody.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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