On Wed 25 Oct 2023 at 11:04:59 (+0300), Anssi Saari wrote:
> Martin <marti...@cryptolab.net> writes:
> > With wifi antena I receive a (rather weak) signal that connect my
> > computer to internet. I have to use windsurfer antena booster
> > (http://members.multiweb.nl/schaaijw/windsurfer_wifi_en.pdf)
> > to get usable signal. So my computer have internet signal from
> > wifi antena - yay great thing :)
> >
> > Now I also want to connect to internet with my mobile phone!
> You mean you want to use some unspecified wifi signal with your phone
> also? Share the connection to your phone and computer? The link to this
> "windsurfer" doesn't work so it's a little hard to help if you can't
> describe what you have.

I presume what's going on here is that the Internet is provided by
a wifi access point that is distant and inaccessible (say, next door).
The windsurfer is a shaped piece of aluminium foil that pops over the
aerial to make a sort of parabola. Normally, you'd put this over your
modem/router's (external) aerial to increase the signal transmitted to
parts of your house (though it decreases it in the opposite direction).
But I'm guessing that here the windsurfer is on the computer's wifi
aerial, to improve the received signal.

That's why the OP's router (which, again presumably, has no Internet
Service) is connected "backwards", so the computer is the WAN, and
the mobile phone is the sole device on the LAN.

IOW Max's reply represents a string↔of↔connected↔devices rather than
- a
- bullet
- list.

> You have some kind of mysterious internet connection from
> something. That needs to connect to the router's WAN port.

That's how I would cascade two routers: a LAN port on the main
router connects by a plumbed-in Cat5 cable to a port on the
secondary router. The latter port would be the WAN connection,
but that's broken on mine, so I have to connect the cable to
a LAN port. I guess that makes my secondary router a switch?


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