Martin <> writes: > Hello, > > With wifi antena I receive a (rather weak) signal that connect my > computer to internet. I have to use windsurfer antena booster > ( > to get usable signal. So my computer have internet signal from > wifi antena - yay great thing :) > > Now I also want to connect to internet with my mobile phone!
You mean you want to use some unspecified wifi signal with your phone also? Share the connection to your phone and computer? The link to this "windsurfer" doesn't work so it's a little hard to help if you can't describe what you have. > As it turn out I am not so bright to make this whole setup working :( > I pluged in new router to power and connected ethernet cable from my > computer to router WAN connection. (I belive this is how it should be > connected togheder) The WAN connection is for the internet, not your computer. It says as much in the Xiaomi manual. > While I was seting up router as described in > > in Step 2 (point 3) it said I do not have internet. > So I choose to manualy set up 'Static address' for > router as folows (my computer has IP address > > IP address: > Subnet mask: > Default gateway: > DNS: > > After all this setup I could issue those commands on my desktop: > > (this is my desktop IP address - just to show it works) So you created a LAN between your computer and the router. > I hope someone will be able to give me some hint how to solve > this issue and be able to connect to internet from router - and > connected phone. You have some kind of mysterious internet connection from something. That needs to connect to the router's WAN port.