Hi folks, maybe you can help. I am running into a strange problem.
It is the following: My swap partition is a logical partition on an extended partition. This swap was formerly luks encrypted and got an UUID beginning with UUID=30e885..... Then I deciced, to format the swap partitition and use it as a normal swap partition. So I erased all keys (using cryptsetup erase /dev/sda5) and then reformatted it with swapon. Additionally I removed the entry from /etc/crypttab and edited /etc/fstab. So far, everything worked fine, except next boot. When booting, cryptsetup wants to open my other encrypted partitions and then it is hanging, saying "searching for encrypted device UUID=30e885....". I looked everywhere, but I found no entry, where the system gets this UUID. Of course my swap partition now got another UUID, but why is cryptsetup still knowing of the old UUID? What did I miss? Thanks for any hints. Best regards Hans