Hi Stefan,

that is easy to explain. The kernel is searching for a device with the special 
UUID. As I changed the size of the partition with gparted, the UUID changed.

Now the kernel says: This UUID is not existent, what is correct (kernel param: 

I can not get the new UUID (blkid -l /dev/nvme0Pn6) , because no livesystem 
does see any /dev/nvme. If I could, I could edit the kernel param and set the 
correct UUID by hand. (as you know, in grub I can edit the boot parms).

This is the problem.

Hope this makes things clearer.


> I don't understand how the UUID could be such a hard problem.
> I can see that a change in UUID could pose a problems but not an
> insurmountable one.
> Maybe if you give some more details, people will be able to help.
> This said, if you don't have a /dev/nvme* and the disk you need to
> access is accessed via nvme, then no amunt of UUID change will help you
> (the UUID is just one of the ways you can name the disk, but the actual
> access needs to go through the /dev/nvme* thingy in the end anyway).
>         Stefan

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