On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 7:05 PM Albretch Mueller <lbrt...@gmail.com> wrote: > > On 9/24/23, Michel Verdier <mv...@free.fr> wrote: > > If you use USB you need a cable allowing data, some allow only power. > > The USB cable I have been using to charge the battery of that phone > visually seems to be the same exact one being advertised as doubling > as a data cable, but running: > $ sudo lsusb > Before and after plugging in the phone doesn’t show any difference. > Is there a way to test for sure that cable is the right one?
It sounds like you are using a charging cable, or a cheap data cable. I would try a quality data cable before going down the rabbit hole. You should also state which USB protocol your phone uses. Different USB standards have different requirements. For example, USB 1.0 and 2.0 only need a 4-wire data cable (PWR, GND, D+ and D-). USB-C needs a 24-pin data cable and must implement the USB-PD protocol. Also see <https://www.google.com/search?q=usb+cable+pinouts>. Jeff