On 9/15/23 09:34, Stefan Monnier wrote:
latest version is 10.6, get it at:
This, Stefan, looks exactly like the memtest86 we've all been using for
nearly 30 years.
"we"? I sure haven't run that one, ever. I've run memtest86+ many
times, yes, that's the one that "look like the old familiar one" for me
(and presumably for others who stay away from proprietary code :)
Possibly under new management, and you may not agree with
the pro version costing money,
The problem is not the money but the impossibility to know what it is
you're running because you can't see the source code.
If you think the peanuts are free, check the price of the beer.
Have you ever heard of Free Software (or maybe "open source")? :-)
Sure, great believer in it, ever since my first and last encounter with
Bill Gates about 39 years ago. but eventually the coder might want to
buy some grocery's or pay the rent. That's something I would support
monetarily. But the difficulty of moving the money internationally
makes it way to difficult to be assured the money gets to the intended
recipient. Way the hell and gone too many local tax laws so the big guy
gets his 50% or even all of it. Corruption in the monetary exchange
field seems rampant and uncontrollable. Ours here in the USA is no
I can afford to buy that which I can inspect, maybe you can't. IDK. I
bailed out of the RedHat world when they went commercial but used their
fedora to make always sick lab rats out of us. Mandrake was good, went
bust, tried ubuntu but that was then seemingly wanting to be a free
windows lookalike then. Now its much better so armbian for wannabe pi's
is the thing.
I use several copies of linuxcnc here, so when they switched to debian
to base their program on, I followed, but it appears debian is also
short handed when a copy/paste bug somewhere along the path from coder
to release broke one of udevs functions during bullseye that will not be
fixed before trixie.
And with all the caveats discussed in the faq list, I'll be a bit
spooky. Like running it w/o a net cable so it can't call home.
Of course the `.com` version won't push all its own caveats in your
face, that would go against its own commercial interests.
No argument there.
That's another advantage of Free Software: it doesn't have a commercial
incentive to hide its limitations in order to trick you into choosing
over some competitor. IOW Free Software encourages honesty.
That it does, but it should not impede the coders ability to feed and
house his family.
BTW, you can also run a memory tester from the comfort of a running
Debian machine, using the `memtester` package. Clearly it won't be able
to check *all* the memory of your machine (e.g. it can't access the
memory used by the kernel), but I've anecdotally found it "good enough"
(the two times memtest86+ found a problem in one of my machines,
`memtester` also found a problem on that machine).
Installing now, Along with a new kernel. 3rd reboot this week, where is
the famous debian dependability...
Take care and stay well, Stefan
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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