Yes, only. And no I can not.
/> Does your EEEPc only has an i686 CPU?/
/> Use lscpu to find out or google the name of the CPU./
/> Maybe you can install amd64 to verify it only occurs in i386./

No, there is no option to switch it off. It is (was) set by the OS (sincerly 
WindowsXP). And yes, 
edd=off ignores any EDD.

/> EDD     BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive Services (EDD) is enabled/
/> Is that what controls edd=off?/


/> What happens when you enable the "BIOS-RAM"?/

Can not be enabled.

Yes, latest BIOS is install (but it is from 2010, just an old hardware)

/> How is that setting called in the BIOS?/
/> Did you install the latest BIOS?/




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