On 21/08/2023 16:16, Karl Vogel wrote:
On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 10:38:34PM -0400, Max Nikulin wrote:
Xterm configuration options may be put to ~/.Xresources, e.g.

xterm*VT100.faceName: ...

I am curious if there are actual advantages of usage a wrapper script
instead of xresources.
     # Don't override COLUMNS and LINES if already set; when my eyes are
     # tired, I use an xterm with characters two pixels larger:
     ##  FONT=xft:Cascadia:pixelsize=22:bold LINES=35 xt

     : ${COLUMNS=80}
     : ${LINES=40}

Thank you for clarification. Certainly it is aside from my use cases. Terminal applications usually occupy either the whole screen or its half, so I do not care concerning precise values of COLUMNS and LINES. Font size may be changed for a running instance of xterm through menu. I have not bothered to define keyboard shortcuts for that.

xterm*VT100.faceSize2: 7
xterm*VT100.faceSize3: 9
xterm*VT100.faceSize:  11
xterm*VT100.faceSize4: 11
xterm*VT100.faceSize5: 14
xterm*VT100.faceSize6: 18

There is another degree of freedom: -class. I still do not see advantages of $FONT over xterm*VT100.faceName as the default and -fa for ad-hoc override, but I admit it may be convenient for you.

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