On 8/14/23 12:04, zithro wrote:
On 12 Aug 2023 20:49, gene heskett wrote:
There is no ipv6 service within 100 miles, so I should set a /proc command to kill ipv6, so whats the official syntax? for that.

I don't know if there is another method, I'll give you mine, which consists in telling the kernel to completely disable IPv6, in the kernel command line.

Edit "/etc/default/grub", on the line "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" (or "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT", depending on your config), add :


Don't forget to run "update-grub", then reboot.

If it worked, you will find in the syslog :
"IPv6: Loaded, but administratively disabled, reboot required to enable".

If you're not using GRUB, you will have to find where kernel options should be entered (also called kernel command line).

Thanks zithro, but it appears that it is no longer needed, just follow Gregs recipe and it works.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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