On Sun, 6 Aug 2023 17:45:25 -0400
"Juan R.D. Silva" <juan.r.d.si...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> It's time to move from bullseye to bookworm. Based on the previous
> years experience I've always preferred a fresh install vs. an
> upgrade, since the freshly installed system always run smoother and
> was not littered with any old junk left from the old system.
> However, things might have changed/improved. Thus I decided to ask
> the community.
> Could you share your opinion based on personal experience? To install
> or to upgrade? Mine is fairly simple desktop system for home use.
> Nothing special, except maybe the need of dual architecture support
> and Wine to run one special little app.

I tend to install packages for testing and forget to uninstall them. I
keep a list of packages I want to keep, which I add to, if I want to
keep a package installed. With that in mind, I reinstall. This wipes
the slate clean of packages I don't want anymore. And as has been
mentioned elsewhere, some packages fall off the roster. If you upgrade
they'll stay, but if you reinstall, they'll go away, which is often a
good thing.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog: http://noferblatz.com
Company Site: http://quillandmouse.com
Software Projects: https://gitlab.com/paulmfoster

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