On Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 08:43:32AM +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:
> * "localhost:80" - This is ambiguous
> In the case of the latter, are you wanting to use the localhost scheme to
> access the resource called 80 (now, you're going to say "There is no
> protocol called localhost" and I think that Chrome used to know which
> protocols exist but now it's a bit more agnostic)?

Even doing it this way -- typing "localhost:80" into the URL/search bar
and pressing Enter -- I still get the correct result.  What I typed
gets converted to "http://localhost/"; but is displayed as merely
"localhost" in the URL/search bar.  I only know about the
"http://localhost/"; part because if I multi-click the URL and then
paste it into a terminal, that's what I get.

(I do find it disturbing that what you get in the copy/paste buffer is
different from what you see in the application.)

So, I'm still unable to reproduce Gene's results, even with your added

It would be nice if we had an exact recipe for how to reproduce the
problem.  Failing that, it'll be up to Gene to debug the situation on
his end.  I'm still leaning toward an edited /etc/hosts file.

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