On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 12:23:46 -0500
Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I used to use UPS units from APC back when you could replace the
> battery. I haven't had an UPS (but always on a surge protecter) for
> awhile, but electricity (now FPL) is not as reliable in my new
> location and I need one.
> All the reviews I've seen on Amazon for smaller capacity UPSs for APC
> and Tripp Lite are not that great (I usually concentrate on the one-
> and two-star reviews).
> Any recommenndations from fellow Debian folks?

I have two APC Back-UPS RS 700Gs. I believe they use gel cell
replaceable batteries. Both respond to apcupsd, and I believe APC has
clients for other operating systems. I've had excellent results with
APC for almost three decades.

Replacement batteries from APC are expensive compared to buying
elsewhere, but they come with return shipping for the exhausted battery
so they can recycle it.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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