I was just researching this myself a couple of days ago, and spent several hours going down a rabbit hole.
It seems that many folks are going the way of using an open source solution, Home Assistant (aka, HA), (https://www.home-assistant.io/). Even to the point where I found that folks that used to have standalone code that could maybe read a sensor was migrated over to HA and then only supported there. HA really wants to be the only thing installed on a machine, to the point where if you do install it on Debian, if you add any other packages, they won't support you. But, installing their HA Operating System (HAOS), which appears to be Debian based, can be with any number of VMs, some stuff via OCI compatible stuff (like Docker, and I suppose, Linux containers, though I'm less sure of this). All of that is overkill for what you (and I) are looking for: simple scraping abilities. But, it does have a large list of supported hardware and protocols. So, you could go through the hardware list, find something you like, and then extract the appropriate software bits. Or at least identify what software packages are necessary. Good luck! And please, if you find something you like and get up and running, follow up. mrc