On Fri Jul  7 09:59:56 2023 fxkl4...@protonmail.com wrote:

>> Microsoft for good or bad has made major advances in software

Yup.  Like surveillance, flakiness, and an endless merry-go-round
of forced upgrades into ever-increasing bloatware.

>> and is responsible for a fair fraction of what we experience in
>> our Linux world.

And the Taliban is responsible for a fair fraction of what we
experience in our Western world.  So what?

> true
> if microsoft had ever produced a decent product
> linux may not have ever become as popular as it is

"The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck
is the day they make vacuum cleaners."  -- unknown

/~\  Charlie Gibbs                  |  Microsoft is not
\ /  <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid>      |  a necessary evil.
 X   I'm really at ac.dekanfrus     |  Microsoft is not necessary.
/ \  if you read it the right way.  |    -- Ted Nelson (paraphrased)

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