Stefan Monnier <> wrote:
> >> Can you point to any evidence?  
> > You've never cut open a magenta cable that quit to see what's
> > inside?  
> Nope.  Never had them fail on me either for that matter.
> > If rust colored dust falls from where copper used to be, you have
> > your evidence.  
> Right.  But I don't have that, so I don't have my evidence.  Do you?
> Can you point to such stories being reported somewhere?
> My web-searches all turn up empty.

I was pretty sceptical about Gene's claim, especially for nowadays, but
I just found
FWIW. From 2019.

> > That said, there probably aren't a lot of computers that had
> > them left in service. I think the manufacturers got it figured out
> > before SATA rev 2.0 cables saturated the markets.  
> If the problem was known in the 70s, then presumably the manufacturers
> got it figured out before sata rev 1.0 (let alone sata cable), no?
>         Stefan

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