My dear illustrious Leaders and Senior Members of the Debian Users Mailing List,
For more than one week, I have hopped from one forum to another, beginning from LXDE, OpenBox, Arch and then Manjaro in search of a solution to my problem posted on the thread: Eventually, I figured that since LXDE and OpenBox original niches are now dying and the development, stalled, I should change my DE and have a WM more customisable and the development, more vibrant than that of and for LXDE or OpenBox respectively. The problem with these two environment and manager respectively is that even if a GUI package is installed, there is no guaranty that a menu entry would be generated mandatorily within the menu list. For example, I installed `hardinfo` today, but the menu-list wasn't updated with a respective menu-item. "System Profiler and Benchmark", until I logged off and then back on to OpenBox. >From Manjaro forum I was recommended that KDE Plasma is the ideal DE where menus are fully customisable. I downloaded the Manjaro KDE live ISO and used it. But it doesn't have a WM like openbox. I came to know after I posted the experience on the Manjaro forum. So, is the Debian KDE live ISO by default Plasma? Is the menu fully customisable, like they said it is in Manjaro? Finally, is there a lightweight Windows Manager in KDE so that I could use the WM most of the time to preserve (or not unnecessarily waste) system resources, only to return to KDE if system administration is required? I have checked the package list in either of the ISOs of KDE, free and non-free: debian-live-11.7.0-amd64-kde+nonfree.packages debian-live-11.7.0-amd64-kde.packages Wasn't able to figure out any. Finally, is the complete customisability of KDE menu fully extended to the Windows Manager added to KDE, if it at all exists within the Debian KDE set up? I am driven by the need to get over LXDE+OpenBox environment that is dying, if not already dead. Best wishes, Rajib Etc.