On Sat 13 May 2023 at 18:18:57 (-0400), gene heskett wrote:
> On 5/13/23 15:40, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Sat, May 13, 2023 at 08:29:11PM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > > On Sat, May 13, 2023 at 01:01:27PM -0500, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
> > > > Ifconfig has been deprecated in Debian for some years.
> > > 
> > > It is *not* deprecated. It is just optional, not essential.
> > 
> > I don't know what Debian's official stance is, but if you do web searches
> > for "Linux ifconfig deprecated", you find MANY results.
> > 
> > <https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/ifconfig-vs-ip>:
> >      The ip command is the future of network config commands. ifconfig
> >      has been officially deprecated for the ip suite, so while many of
> >      us are still using the old ways, it is time to put those habits to
> >      rest and move on with the world.
> While you are correct, Greg, the lack of documentation to help with
> that transition is staggering. They just thru it on the table and
> didn't even say use this instead.

From the way you have quoted, I don't know whether you're complaining
specifically about redhat, but as far as Debian is concerned, it was
well documented in the Release Notes for stretch:

  5.1.3. Noteworthy obsolete packages

      The following is a list of known and noteworthy obsolete packages
      (see Section 4.8, “Obsolete packages” for a description).

      The list of obsolete packages includes:

      [ … ]

        * The net-tools package is being deprecated in favor of
          iproute2. See Section 5.3.9, “net-tools will be deprecated in
          favor of iproute2” or the Debian reference manual (https://
          _the_low_level_network_configuration) for more information.

      [ … ]

  5.3.9. net-tools will be deprecated in favor of iproute2

      The net-tools package is no longer part of new installations by
      default, since its priority has been lowered from important to
      optional. Users are instead advised to use the modern iproute2
      toolset (which has been part of new installs for several releases
      already). If you still prefer to continue using the net-tools
      programs you can simply install it via

      apt install net-tools


      Please keep in mind that net-tools may be uninstalled during the
      upgrade if it was only installed to satisfy a dependency. If you
      rely on net-tools, please remember to mark it as a manual
      installed package before the upgrade via:

      apt-mark manual net-tools

      Here is a summary of the net-tools commands, together with their
      iproute2 equivalent:

      |    legacy    |                                                |
      |  net-tools   |         iproute2 replacement commands          |
      |   commands   |                                                |
      |arp           |ip n (ip neighbor)                              |
      |ifconfig      |ip a (ip addr), ip link, ip -s (ip -stats)      |
      |iptunnel      |ip tunnel                                       |
      |nameif        |ip link                                         |
      |netstat       |ss, ip route (for netstat -r), ip -s link (for  |
      |              |netstat -i), ip maddr (for netstat -g)          |
      |route         |ip r (ip route)                                 |

I posted this for you a few years ago:


But all this is moot, like most of this thread, because one or two
posts already mentioned iw and regdbdump as the tools of choice.


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