Le 2 mai 2023 Bonno Bloksma a écrit :

> linbobo:/etc/bind# cat named.conf.local
> -----<Quote>----------------------
> [....]
> zone "tio.nl" IN {
>         type forward;
>         forward only;
>         forwarders {;;};
> };
> zone "staf.tio.nl" IN {
>         type forward;
>         forward only;
>         forwarders {;;};
> };
> zone "student.tio.nl" IN {
>         type forward;
>         forward only;
>         forwarders {;;};
> }; 
> The problem is not that the company dns servers are not working, it is that 
> it somehow thinks the answers are not valid, not even for the top level 
> domain.

In fact you don't resolv at all. Can you provide:

dig einsccmdp-01.tio.nl +trace +cd
dig @ einsccmdp-01.tio.nl
(this one to eliminate beeing broken)

I don't understand why you define staf.tio.nl and student.tio.nl as
tio.nl is already on the same forwarders. I don't know if it's valid but
it seems useless. And your logs suggest a problem between staf.tio.nl and
tio.nl. Could you comment staf.tio.nl and student.tio.nl, restart bind
(or reload + flush) and try again above dig ?

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