Jeremy Ardley wrote:
> Personally I use only Mate but it's riddled with Gnome components that I 
> can't easily remove. For instance the Gnome NetworkManager widget is 
> installed despite me not using NetworkManager and I can't find a way to 
> remove it.
> On other O/S you could (can?) generate a 'packing list' of all the 
> components you wanted to install and use that to build your system. I 
> expect Debian 11 has that ability but it's not something that is 
> immediately obvious.

  somehow i've been running that way for quite some time on
MATE in testing but i may have not installed every bit of a
default installation or have removed things so it would go
away.  some other things i also do not run because i find them
annoying.  i'm sure i have some extras in here now that i do
not really use at all but...

  here is my current mate- list from dpkg:

ii  debian-mate-default-settings         1.26.0-1                        all    
      Default settings for MATE on Debian
ii  libmate-desktop-2-17:amd64           1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      Library with common API for various MATE modules (library)
ii  libmate-menu2:amd64                  1.26.0-3                        amd64  
      implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE (library)
ii  libmate-panel-applet-4-1:amd64       1.27.0-1                        amd64  
      library for MATE Panel applets
ii  libmate-panel-applet-dev             1.27.0-1                        amd64  
      library for MATE Panel applets (development files)
ii  libmate-sensors-applet-plugin0       1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      Library for plugins for the mate-sensors-applet package
ii  libmate-slab0:amd64                  1.26.0-2                        amd64  
      beautification app library
ii  libmate-window-settings1:amd64       1.26.0-2                        amd64  
      utilities to configure the MATE desktop (window settings library)
ii  mate-applets                         1.26.1-1                        amd64  
      Various applets for the MATE panel
ii  mate-applets-common                  1.26.1-1                        all    
      Various applets for the MATE panel (common files)
ii  mate-backgrounds                     1.26.0-1                        all    
      Set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE Desktop Environment
ii  mate-calc                            1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      MATE desktop calculator
ii  mate-calc-common                     1.26.0-1                        all    
      MATE desktop calculator (common files)
ii  mate-common                          1.26.0-1                        all    
      common scripts and macros to develop with MATE
ii  mate-control-center                  1.26.0-2                        amd64  
      utilities to configure the MATE desktop
ii  mate-control-center-common           1.26.0-2                        all    
      utilities to configure the MATE desktop (common files)
ii  mate-desktop                         1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      Library with common API for various MATE modules
ii  mate-desktop-common                  1.26.0-1                        all    
      Library with common API for various MATE modules (common files)
ii  mate-desktop-environment             1.26.0+1                        all    
      MATE Desktop Environment (metapackage)
ii  mate-desktop-environment-core        1.26.0+1                        all    
      MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, metapackage)
ii  mate-icon-theme                      1.26.0-1                        all    
      MATE Desktop icon theme
ii  mate-indicator-applet                1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      MATE panel indicator applet
ii  mate-indicator-applet-common         1.26.0-1                        all    
      MATE panel indicator applet (common files)
ii  mate-media                           1.26.0-2                        amd64  
      MATE media utilities
ii  mate-media-common                    1.26.0-2                        all    
      MATE media utilities (common files)
ii  mate-menus                           1.26.0-3                        all    
      implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE
ii  mate-notification-daemon             1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      daemon to display passive popup notifications
ii  mate-notification-daemon-common      1.26.0-1                        all    
      daemon to display passive popup notifications (common files)
ii  mate-panel                           1.27.0-1                        amd64  
      launcher and docking facility for MATE
ii  mate-panel-common                    1.27.0-1                        all    
      launcher and docking facility for MATE (common files)
ii  mate-polkit:amd64                    1.26.1-1                        amd64  
      MATE authentication agent for PolicyKit-1
ii  mate-polkit-common                   1.26.1-1                        amd64  
      MATE authentication agent for PolicyKit-1 (common files)
ii  mate-screensaver                     1.26.1-1                        amd64  
      MATE screen saver and locker
ii  mate-screensaver-common              1.26.1-1                        all    
      MATE screen saver and locker (common files)
ii  mate-sensors-applet                  1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel
ii  mate-sensors-applet-common           1.26.0-1                        all    
      Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel (common files)
ii  mate-session-manager                 1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      Session manager of the MATE desktop environment
ii  mate-settings-daemon                 1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      daemon handling the MATE session settings
ii  mate-settings-daemon-common          1.26.0-1                        all    
      daemon handling the MATE session settings (common files)
ii  mate-system-monitor                  1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE
ii  mate-system-monitor-common           1.26.0-1                        all    
      Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE (common files)
ii  mate-terminal                        1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      MATE terminal emulator application
ii  mate-terminal-common                 1.26.0-1                        all    
      MATE terminal emulator application (common files)
ii  mate-themes                          3.22.23-1                       all    
      Official themes for the MATE desktop
ii  mate-tweak                           22.10.0-2                       all    
      MATE desktop tweak tool
ii  mate-user-guide                      1.26.0-1                        all    
      User documentation for MATE Desktop Environment
ii  mate-utils                           1.26.0-1                        amd64  
      MATE desktop utilities
ii  mate-utils-common                    1.26.0-1                        all    
      MATE desktop utilities (common files)

  use at your own discretion.  :)


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