On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 Default User wrote:
On Wed, 2023-04-19 at 16:56 -0400, Default User wrote:
On Wed, 2023-04-19 at 15:36 -0500, David Wright wrote:
On Wed 19 Apr 2023 at 16:06:57 (-0400), Default User wrote:

Anyway, here is where I am at:

I have two Clonezilla backups.
1) a full disk backup.
2) a "partitions" backup.
So, if things really go bad, I can theoretically revert to the
setup as
of 2023-04-18, when this thread was started.

I also have a backup of the current /tmp directory (from under
And I have a backup of the old tmp partition.

Both of these tmp backups were made using a Debian Stable 11.6
Live/install usb thumb drive, as root user.

All of these backups are on an external usb hdd.

Here is what was in the (root) tmp directory:

total 32K
88473604 drwxr-xr-t 8 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 ./
88473602 drwxr-xr-x 3 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 ../
88473608 drwxr-xr-t 2 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 .font-unix/
88473606 drwxr-xr-t 2 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 .ICE-unix/
88473609 drwxr-xr-t 2 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 .Test-unix/
88473610 drwx------ 2 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 tracker-
88473605 drwxr-xr-t 2 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 .X11-unix/
88473607 drwxr-xr-t 2 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:18 .XIM-unix/

And here is what was in the old tmp partition:

total 48K
88473611 drwxr-xr-t 10 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 ./
88473603 drwxr-xr-x  3 [user] [user] 4.0K Apr 19 14:20 ../
88473618 drwxr-xr-t  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 .font-
88473615 drwxr-xr-t  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 .ICE-
88473620 drwx------  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20
88473619 drwxr-xr-t  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 .Test-
88473624 drwx------  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 tracker-
88473623 drwx------  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 tracker-
88473621 -r--r--r--  1 root    root      11 Apr 19 14:20 .X1024-
88473622 -r--r--r--  1 root    root      11 Apr 19 14:20 .X1025-
88473612 drwxr-xr-t  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 .X11-
88473617 drwxr-xr-t  2 root    root    4.0K Apr 19 14:20 .XIM-

As far as I can tell, there is nothing crucial in either tmp

BTW, I know nothing about bind or mount --bind. I looked them up
briefly, and decided that they are too difficult and maybe
dangerous to
try to learn and use under the current circumstances. 

So here is what I am thinking of doing:

While running from within the Debian Stable 11.6 Live/install usb
drive, as root user:

1) On the computer's internal ssd, delete the /tmp directory and

2) On the computer's internal ssd, delete the contents of the old
partition, but not the partition itself.

3) On the computer's internal ssd, replace /etc/fstab with
/etc/fstab.original, renaming it /etc/fstab. I have already made
of the current /etc/fstab as /etc/fstab.as-of-2023-04-19. 

The UUIDs of all partitions on computer's internal ssd seem to be
same as in /etc/fstab.original. 

(Note: in /etc/fstab.original, it states "Please run 'systemctl
reload' after making changes here." Since I am doing all this
live usb, I do not think that applies, so I would skip that.)

Then I would shut down, remove the usb thumb drive, and boot into
Debian system on the computer's internal ssd.

I hope that from then on, the system would mount the old tmp
on the computer's internal ssd as /tmp, re-populating it
and use it as such from then on.

Does that seem reasonable?

Or am I missing something, obvious or not.

I see nothing unreasonable. The only oddity to me is that the
you give (which are from the backups, I assume) have today's date,
which means that the backup method is not preserving the file
(If you've not used partition 5 for a while, the dates should be
It doesn't affect what you're doing now, as all the originals are
heading into oblivion, but I'd be reading the backup spec sometime
to see if I could improve that.


IIRC, I just did:

sudo <source> <destination> from the live usb.

I didn't think about the changed times.

Perhaps I should have used rsync . . .

Grrr . . .

Sorry! That should have been: 

sudo cp -r <source> <destination> from the live usb.

Consider the -a option to cp for backup/backdown operations, to
preserve all attributes (including timestamps), recursively copy
directories, and more. Read the manual for details.

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mood, they get up in the morning and begin painting their pictures.
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