On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 12:12:46PM +0100, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> Any comments on this setup?

Just one general one: network with wires where you can, employ wireless
only when you must.  If your business depends on the networking, go for
the licensed bands (i.e. not 2.4 / 5 GHz).  Use wireless only where you
can clearly benefit from the coverage, mobility, lower link-setup cost,
generally areas where it is impossible or impractical to use Ethernet &
friends.  Backup with wires when possible, nevertheless.  Wireless
technology isn't really suited to replace existing wired networks, but
rather to complement them.

The wired networks are more widely deployed, for a longer time, i.e.
more tested & generally cheaper.  It's easier to avoid interferences,
including DoS attacks.  E.g. 802.11g is orders-of magnitude slower than
the 100Mbps switched Ethernet, especially where the bands get crowded
(many networks/clients in the same area attempting to talk at the same
time).  Not only the raw speed is lower, but the latency is greater, and
the packet-loss is significant--something at least pre-2.6 TCP/IP stack
will not be happy about. 

And just as a matter of fact, D-Link is a crap.

Jan Minar                   "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 7

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