On Sun, 2 Apr 2023 Susmita/Rajib wrote:
[trimmed: email headers]
On Sat, 1 Apr 2023 Susmita/Rajib wrote:

[   ...   ]
You do not tell us what application you are using to view the file
contents. If it is not a terminal application, it might well fail to
independently implement for your delightful spectation the ECMA-48
set graphics control sequences.
[   ...   ]

Sorry for replying late.

Take all the time you like. Eisenhower tells us that what is urgent is
rarely important, and that what is important is rarely urgent.

It is the same lxterminal available with the live ISO as narrated
earlier. Was it not apparent from my email?

I do not recall you specifying here what terminal you use. And it is
interesting to know.

But I meant to ask something different. I will try to be more clear.

You have reported that redirecting icdiff output to a file, in your
words, "drops all colors".

And so I have three questions:

1. Show us the full command line you enter, to redirect the output of
icdiff to a file.

2. Show us the full command line you enter, to view the contents of
that file.

3. For a suitable pair of files, report whether colors are displayed
as expected when you do

 $ icdiff file1 file2 > pretty_diff
 $ less -R pretty_diff

"The first beginnings of wisdom," he said, "is to ask questions but
never to answer any. You get wisdom from asking and not from
answering." -- Flann O'Brien, _The Third Policeman_

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