On 2023-03-23 at 10:50, John wrote:

> I get an error message which is absolutely the last thing before
> poweroff that is NOT ever reported in kern.log nor by dmesg.

Typically, the very last messages from before power-off would be
expected to come from the kernel, as it should be the last thing still

> It reads like this:
> 48.255417 DMAR: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2
> 48.255457 DMR: [DMA Read] request device [00:17.0] PASID ffffffff fault addr 
> aboe9000 [fault reason 06] PTE read access is not set
> 48.255557 reboot: Power down
> What pack age would this be in so I can file a bug?

Googling for parts of these messages find multiple bug reports on
kernel.org (I've seen at least one from 2016 and one from 2019, both
apparently about the relevant messages appearing in floods), so that
seems to confirm that these messages are coming from there.

It will probably be relevant what kernel you're running.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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