I thought “unpredictability” was the name of my daily drama show, but
apparently “I am not the only one”. Yes, I know javascript is the
primary vector they use to mess with whomever they choose, regardless
of if they wear a “tiny tin hat” or expensive shoes.
In my case, among many other things, they somehow inject key loggers
through the browser every time I access the Internet from wherever I
access it, but there is way more to it. Probably I am too old for that
kind of crap, but why would a BIOS need to be WiFi enabled? Is the
kernel itself doing all that name changing? Why would it do that? . .
As part of my work I have to do lots of text cleansing. Even
Libreoffice inserts as part of their tags lots of watermarking crap
which of course is being used to track texts, but it would just be
unnecessary noise in a text corpus. I asked them once why they were
doing that and they, expectedly, started to act like “you are
paranoid”, certainly wear a “tiny tin hat” . . .