On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:47:37PM -0500, gene heskett wrote: > you refuse to answer the question asked. from that machine to any other > machine on my net "ssh -Y othermachines' alias as shown in the hosts file.. > response was not found. Ditto for a ping unless I gave ping the actual ipv4 > address.
ping and ssh are both dynamically linked against libc6 on Debian, and have been for a very long time. They should therefore be using the libc6 resolver code. They should be following the DOCUMENTED rules for name resolution, beginning with nsswitch.conf. If you believe you've found a bug in the libc6 name resolver, that would be a very important bug to get fixed. Therefore, it would be extremely helpful if you could describe how to reproduce your results. We need ALL the details. Every single piece of the puzzle, please. I have showno that on my Debian 11 system, without any of your /etc/host.conf style configuration in /etc/resolv.conf, everything works as I expect, and as the documentation describes. You have not shown anything similar on your computer, which is (so far as we're aware) the ONLY Debian computer in the whole world having this problem.