On 1/8/23 16:04, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
On Saturday 07 January 2023 03:27:31 pm gene heskett wrote:
That DOS was not the least bit
entertaining. :(> That was the best reason to skip it, I went from
amigados 3.9 to rh5.0, never regretted missing the DOS experience, I got
my fill of it as the CE at a tv station back in the day.
I remember getting a mailing (don't know how I ended up on that mailing list)
where they wanted to sell me a development kit for windoze, which at that time
hadn't even been released yet, or if it had it was a very buggy and clunky
preliminary version.
They wanted me to pay something like $3000.00 for the privilege of developing
software for their new platform.
I found this most entertaining, and laughed like hell before I got around to
tossing that mailing in the trash.
At the time I got a similar msg was only a week or 2 after I'd been
called a pie-rat by somebody in the support line in Redmond. My laugh
was as evil as I could manage as I hit the delete key.
The audacity of that outfit and its owner knows no bounds.
Now he & A.F.wants to kill off 98% of us.
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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