> I am using testing with KDE (but I suppose the desktop environnent does not
> matter).  I had a LOT of updates to apply today, so I used KDE Discover
> (Gnome Software equivalent for KDE) to apply those in offline mode, ie
> updates are dowloaded and then computer reboots in a special mode just to
> update packages, and reboot normally when finished.


> Also, do you think I should report this issue?


> Against which package?

The package you used to do this "offline update" (hadn't heard of such
a thing until now for Debian).

I find the idea of offline update rather odd: not only it's inconvenient
since the machine is unusable during this time, but on top of it, in
case of trouble, it can make it harder to fix the problem because you
may not be able to boot into a conveniently-usable system.


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