On Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 2:05 PM songbird <songb...@anthive.com> wrote:

> Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
> ...
> > Testing and Sid track pretty close to the latest kernel releases. Testing
> > currently has version 6.0.10. New kernel versions are first uploaded to
> Sid
> > then after about a week they are uploaded to testing. Testing, when not
> in
> > freeze, is more like a rolling distro than a stable distro.
>   yes, and i've had very few problems with it for a long time,
> but i still also keep a bootable stable partition because when
> you need something to work for sure it is better than trying to
> fix testing quickly

I'm currently running on testing. I have to in order to get my HDMI Audio
to work. I have stable on my media center PC.  I have had more problems
with stable than with testing. Elisa on stable crashes when there is a
large number of songs or multiple cd's in an album. Elisa on Testing works
just fine with no issues. I like testing and surprisingly it does not get
that many updates. I had openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling installed and there
were hundreds of updates every day and they were not all using delta-RPM.

>   songbird

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