I occasionally send e-mail from the command line via Postfix, using a
script containing the command

   /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f <myaddress> -t <myaddress> < file

In a recent instance, the body of the e-mail contained a line beginning
with the word "From"; the sendmail program prefixed the line with the
character ">" and a space (evidently interpreting "From" as a header line
that needed to be quoted).  This was more than just a trivial annoyance,
since it rendered my digital signature on the e-mail invalid.

I think I encountered a similar problem a couple decades ago using the
"mail" command on a FreeBSD machine, but I don't remember any solution
to the problem.

Is there a way to tell the Postfix sendmail command not to alter any
such lines in the body of the message?  (I'm afraid I wasn't able to
discern an answer in the man page for sendmail or by searching the
postfix.org site.)

Best regards,
Greg Marks

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