On Thu, 1 Dec 2022 16:07:53 +0100
Yvan Masson <y...@masson-informatique.fr> wrote:

> I have just updated the GRUB2 page on the wiki to briefly explain how 
> GRUB2 should be configured in case of software RAID [1]. As I am not
> an expert nor an English native, could someone have a look to check
> this?

Being a native English speaker, but no expert on either RAID or GRUB, I
took a look.

* /select every drives./select each drive in sequence./

  Did you mean each drive in the RAID array, or all fixed drives,
  including any drives not in the boot array, and drives in other RAID
  arrays? I'm pretty sure you don't mean removable drives such as USB
  external drives.

Be aware that there may be more than two drives in a RAID array, and
there may be spares beyond the minimum number. I'm guessing one should
include spares. E.g.: I have a RAID 5 array with the minimum three
drives and a spare.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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