On Sat, Nov 26, 2022 at 11:00:07PM +0100, email.list...@gmail.com wrote:


> select(1, [0], NULL, [0], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=500000}) = 0

This (nearly ;-) answers my question: it is waiting for half-a-second
on stdin, i.e. on you.

You can probably speed things up by quickly hitting TAB again (no,
no, I'm not seriously proposing that as a "solution" to your problem,
but I've the hunch that this is intentional: something inserting that
delay before annoying you with early completions, in case you are
just in the middle of typing; I'd guess this "something" considers
TAB a possible part of the regular input and is giving you a chance
to type on: a classical misunderstanding between software and user).

I can't really test since I threw bash-completion years out ago;
yes, its scope is impressive, and it's kinda cool that bash "knows"
that after `git' you're going to say "pull", "push", "commit" etc.
but for me, it was too massive and far too intrusive. With the
boring, standard file name completion I'm happy as a clam.

There are many hits in the Intrawebs for "bash disable programmable
completion", so that's a point to start.


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