I want to move my mail server and Gnus MUA from a very old machine
(emacs 20.7.1 and gnus 5.8.8) to a Debian bullseye machine with emacs
and Gnus 5.13.

The mail is filtered by procmail into several files in the ~/PROCMAIL
directory.  From there it should be read by Gnus and stored in mail
groups in ~/Mail/<group>.

Filtering to ~/PROCMAIL works as in my old machine:

    $ ls -l ~/PROCMAIL
    total 12
    -rw------- 1 urs urs 709 Nov 10 13:54 bar.gnus
    -rw------- 1 urs urs 709 Nov 10 09:13 foo.gnus
    -rw------- 1 urs urs 705 Nov 10 09:13 mail.gnus

However, Gnus doesn't read the mails from there.  My .gnus config file

    $ cat ~/.gnus
    (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")))
    (setq mail-sources '((directory :path "~/PROCMAIL/"
                                    :suffix ".gnus")))

When starting Gnus with 'M-x gnus' the .gnus file is read but the
configured mail-sources aren't read.  Running strace on emacs shows
that the PROCMAIL directory isn't touched at all.  However, the (setq
mail-sources...) isn't ignored completely, since mail also is not read
from /var/mail/urs which would be the default.

If I disable procmail and leave incoming mail in /var/mail/urs and if
I remove the (setq mail-sources ...) form .gnus but keep the
gnus-secondary-select-methods, mails are read from /var/mail/urs and
written to ~/Mail/mail/misc as docuemnted in the Gnus manual.

What am I doing wrong that the 'directory' mail source doesn't work?


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