On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 10:38:27AM -0700, Nate Duehr wrote:
> On Friday 02 January 2004 10:18 am, Nano Nano wrote:
> > Now I have my install scripted: boot from Woody, install, upgrade to SID
> > from local partial mirror, run scripts.  I wipe the disk or reinstall
> > when anything gets the least bit squirrelly, which can be as little as
> > one day or as much as every couple months.
> >
> > Works for me.
> Backups backups backups.  Stop wiping and start restoring, if the "squirrelly" 
> behavior was caused by the admin, the admin should be able to put things back 
> the way they were.  Right?

Sure, it takes me 30 minutes to do a scripted install and 2 minutes to 
restore a partition.

If that mattered to me, I'd do it.  I like that "clean" feeling of doing 
a fresh install, that way I *know* I'm not unknowingly preserving any 
old bad decisions with subtle ramifications or hidden security bugs.

I've got all my dotfiles saved, so after I wipe, I have to do *zero* 
customization.  In other contexts I would make other decisions.

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