On 14/10/22 04:10, Dan Ritter wrote:
pa...@quillandmouse.com wrote:

This has likely already been covered, but I don't know a way to search
the archives for it.

I'm interested in a desktop NAS with maybe 4 bays, which works with
Linux (and free software), isn't hugely expensive, and is *not* a PC
(you could do a NAS with a PC).

Any suggestions would be helpful.

What does "cheap" mean to you?

What does "not a PC" mean to you, and why?


And, as it is hardware that is sought, What is the location?

What is available in one country, might not be available in another country.

And, what may be not "hugely expensive" in one country, may be otherwise, in another country.

Like the friendly little robot (Number four?), is known for saying, "More input!"

Bret Busby
West Australia

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